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Home Page

This is a example of an App that I could make for members in a private group support

Community Together is a support group app that enables you to setup a profile for your support group, ask questions and chat in a positive private setting from anywhere.

An overview of the App

You can be as private or public with your group.
The app allows you to ask questions, find previous questions, post positive wins and messages on the wall.
It also allows you to upload your health profile to see what stage you are at.
I have researched user tools to manage stress, pain and emotional strain.
Your data is protected and you won't be bombarded by ads and other negative news stories, You will only see content from your group peers to allow a positive support place for everyone.

You can access the different page by following the top menu bar or clicking on the links below

Alot of the stuff isn't implemented, its just a placeholder for what is possible

View positive posts and wins by your peers Go to WinWall

View an example profile page that users might have Go to User Profile Page

View some questions that have already been asked and ask a new question to the group Go to Forums

View advice posts by your peers Go to AdviceWall

View three of the user tools to might help you emotionally Go to User Tools

View some blogs that users could post about relevant things Go to Blogs

Other Ideas and Visions for communityTogether app

By linking symptons, triggers and reliefs together by custom code, Users might be able to search for a sympton and trigger and find what reliefs work best for people

By providing medical history in a structured way for each user, research clinics might be able to analyze and find trends to help research into that illness

A central point for all the users to submit info and treatments that helped with certain sympton